
RxJava Essentials

In the RxJava world, we have four main players:Observable ,Observer ,Subscriber ,Subjects

Hot and cold Observables A hot Observable, typically, starts emitting items as soon as it is created, so any Observer who subscribes to this Observable may start observing the sequence somewhere in the middle. A cold Observable waits until an Observer subscribes to it before it begins to emit items, so such an Observer is guaranteed to see the whole sequence from the beginning.

The key concepts were:

  1. Easy concurrency to better use their server's power
  2. Easy conditional asynchronous execution
  3. A proper way to escape the callback hell
  4. A reactive approach

In the RxJava world, we have four main players:

  1. Observable
  2. Observer
  3. Subscriber
  4. Subjects


  1. Observable.from():we create an Observable sequence from a list we already had
  2. Observable.just():What if we already have a classic Java function and we want to transform it in an Observable? We could use the create() method

Subject = Observable + Observer

RxJava provides four different types of subjects:

  1. PublishSubject
  2. BehaviorSubject :BehaviorSubject is a subject that emits the most recent item it has observed and all subsequent observed items to each subscribed item:
  3. ReplaySubject :ReplaySubject buffers all items it observes and replays them to any Observer that subscribes
  4. AsyncSubject: AsyncSubject publishes only the last item observed to each Observer that has subscribed when the Observable complete


RxJava 初探

Observable -> Operator 1 -> Operator 2 -> Operator 3 -> Subscriber



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RxJava变换操作符:.concatMap( )与.flatMap( )的比较