
Groovy JSON Module

JsonSlurper is a class that parses JSON text or reader content into Groovy data structures (objects) such as maps, lists and primitive types like Integer, Double, Boolean and String.

JsonOutput is responsible for serialising Groovy objects into JSON strings. It can be seen as companion object to JsonSlurper, being a JSON parser.

groovy 操作json

def builder = new JsonBuilder()  
    person {  
        firstName 'leng'  
        lastName 'feng'  
                city: 'Shanghai',  
                country: 'China',  
                zip: 12345,  
        married true  
        conferences 'JavaOne', 'Gr8conf'  
println JsonOutput.prettyPrint(builder.toString())  

String json = """  
    "pepole": {  
        "person": {  
            "firstName": "leng",  
            "lastName": "feng",  
            "address": {  
                "city": "Shanghai",  
                "country": "China",  
                "zip": 12345  
            "married": true,  
            "conferences": [  
def root = new JsonSlurper().parseText(json)  
assert root instanceof Map  
assert root.person.conferences instanceof List  
assert root.person.firtsName == 'leng'  
assert root.person.conferences[1] == 'Gr8conf'