
发布时间: 2016年3月8日

GStrings不同于Java strings在于它们允许以${..}的语法嵌入变量。如果一个字符串由双引号或三重引号括起来,并且包含一个非转义符(unescaped)$,它必定是groovy.lang.GString的一个实例;否则,就是java.lang.String的一个实例。


firstWord = 'Hello' 

secondWord = 'dlroW' 

println  "$firstWord ${secondWord.reverse()}" 



assert 'Hello'.padRight(7,'*') == 'Hello**' 

assert 'Hello'.padLeft(7,'*') == '**Hello' 

assert 'Hello'.center(9,'*') == '**Hello**' 


s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" 

assert s.tokenize() == ['The','quick','brown','fox','jumps','over','the','lazy','dog']  

assert s.tokenize() == new StringTokenizer(s).collect{it}  

s1 = "The,quick*brown*fox,*jumps*over*the*lazy*dog" 

assert s1.tokenize(',*') == s.tokenize()      


alphabets = new String('a' .. 'z' as char[])  

assert alphabets.find{it > 'f'} == 'g' //First one found  

assert alphabets.findAll{it > 'f'} == 'g' .. 'z'//ALl found  

assert alphabets.findIndexOf{ it > 'f'} == alphabets.indexOf('g')  

assert alphabets.every {it > 'A'}  

assert alphabets.any{it < 'c'}  

assert alphabets.startsWith('abc')  

assert alphabets.endsWith('xyz')  

assert alphabets.contains('def')  

assert alphabets.indexOf('c') == 2 

assert alphabets.indexOf('d') == alphabets.lastIndexOf('d')  

assert alphabets.count('a') == 1         


assert 'hello' + ' world' - 'l' == 'helo world' //Subtracts at most one l  

assert ('Today is Sunday' - 'Sunday').trim() == 'Today is' 

assert 'hello ' * 2 == 'hello hello ' 

def empty = []  

assert 'abc'.each{empty << it} == 'abc' 

assert 'abc'.next() == 'abd' 

assert 'abc'.previous() == 'abb'


assert 'hello'[1] == 'e' 

assert 'hello'[2..'hello'.size() - 1] == 'llo' 

assert 'hello'[0,2,4] == 'hlo' 

assert 'hello'[-4,-2] == 'el'     

GString Lazy-Evaluation

GString’s lazy evaluation is a very powerful concept. However, use caution not to trip over that string. If we expect our references used in expressions to change and we want their current value to be used in the lazy evaluation, we must remember not to place them directly in the expressions, but rather within a no-parameter closure.

quote = "Today ${-> company } stock closed at ${-> price }"
  stocks.each { key, value ->
    company = key
    price = value
    println quote

